"Inner Whispers" is the free newsletter written by a Causal Plane Entity that we named "VERONICA".

"Inner Whispers" features all original messages directly from VERONICA, which are always written in first, final, and only draft (as in no editing).

To receive this always free spiritual newsletter CLICK HERE

VERONICA's Invitation Letter To You …..

…..To Try "Inner Whispers"

Dear Friends,

     Many writings have been shared during the path of "Inner Whispers".  All of them...  through the gracious hand of April who allows us, VERONICA, to speak.

     Our intention is to reach out to those who feel sharply, the isolation of physical.  Spirit is more accustomed to the blend, which most of you seek throughout your incarnation.

     We understand the process.

     Never feel alone for we are always focused on the souls of those who need assistance.  It is our intention to enlighten and to share a perspective to help you on your journey home.  We have great affection for your soul.

     The longevity of our relationship supersedes the writing of this Newsletter.  Though without physical form, we are not without heart & compassion for those evolving their way through the physical experience.  T'is the reason for our participation... no other.

     Feel our presence and be comforted.  We are indeed real, our consciousness ever expanding towards evolution.  Our hope is that you will journey with us to the eternal.  We are merely participating at a different frequency and sometimes it provides a clearer view.

     We are your constant supporter with true belief in the power of your soul.

         Your friend,

The Free  "Inner Whispers" Newsletter

The free "Inner Whispers" newsletter is written mostly by a nonphysical Causal Plane Entity that we have chosen to name VERONICA.

(VERONICA said the labels were not important but agreed to allow us to choose a name, and it stuck.)

"This newsletter currently has about 50,000 subscribers worldwide.