Hi Allen, (Allen is Facilitator for April Crawford and VERONICA)

That was SOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOD! That felt like what would have been 10 yrs worth of therapy done in 1 hour -haha! Thankyou! There was one question I forgot to ask so I was wondering if it would be possible to schedule a half hour on the evening of the 20th @ 8 again?

Many Thanks :)

Thank you for facilitating these phone calls with Veronica! These calls have been really helpful, insightful, and fun for me. :)


April is our Edgar Casey. I wish I could afford more for the valuable educational experience she delivers and Alan is nothing less than a true professional respecting one's privacy as if it were his own. If you have any doubts, book a session with Veronica and you will be recommending her/them to everyone you know.

I met Veronica via a telephone interview from three thousand "linear" miles away. I am a trained scientist with multiple degrees and was very careful about what I offered for the sake of pure skepticism. She convinced me in every way. Things no one could have possibly known were revealed by her in the rawest form without judgment. She (they) had a way of offering an alternate perception to my situation which was not condescending but more direct with a hint of sarcasm.

Allen, April and the Many,

Just wanted to say thank you for the great work you guys are doing. The process was easy and efficient.

Veronica was able to tap into my energy quite easily. I felt like I was talking to an old friend. I shared the information with my wife and she agreed with everything Veronica said. It's good to know there is validation for all the seekers out there, or out here. We are not as crazy as the world would have us believe.

Take care and may the path be with you.
Frank Field

Dear Allen,
Please give April a big hug for me in gratitude for allowing me to talk to Veronica. If possible I would also like to hug Veronica as she said she missed the feeling of touch but not sure if Allen would feel comfortable hugging Veronica while channeling through April........so!!!!!

I am truly humbled by this experience...and have been forever changed by it. Now I can enjoy the experiences of life that I have chosen without always the drama. We see ourselves only as past experiences and how others have seen us...and I now know that I am more then just that.

Deeply grateful,

Polly Cook

Hello again! I would like to schedule a 30 minute reading with Veronica/April.. I have had 2 readings within the last 9 months or so, and have found them to be so amazingly helpful. I've been digesting the information since then and would like to do this again!

I would like to schedule the reading anytime Monday-Friday around noonish, texas time. Please let me know when a time would be available. Thanks!

Pamela Davila

Allen & April,

I had a 30 minute session with Veronica this past Saturday.
I want to tell you both thank you for what you are doing.
My son passed away in December of 2009. He was only 20. It has been a difficult time, as I'm sure you can imagine.
I was already doing some spiritual searching for myself, before he passed away, but since that time, I've spoken with numerous psychics & mediums; but April is the first Channel I've ever called. (It is very interesting to me, by the way, how DIFFERENT each person's readings are - how each of them gets their information & relays the information on to me in such a variety of styles...very, very interesting!!)...
Anyway, a friend of mine who received Inner Whispers started sending it on to me. So, I began reading it & watching each session that Veronica came through in, that were available in the newsletter...and decided to have a session with her.
I am SO VERY appreciative.
You know, I'm a very spiritual being. I am clairsentient....I have always been, but didn't really realize that everyone wasn't....and then about 5 years ago, BAM...it got about a million times stronger??? (I'm 38 years old, now)....BUT, when my emotions get entangled with what I'm feeling around me, it all sometimes becomes a jumbled up mess. Overwhelming, to say the least. I'm just not developed enough with my gift, yet to discern and sort it all out....And it gets VERY, VERY confusing to me at times.

My reading with Veronica helped me ALOT! She is so very relaxed, calm, comfortable & confident. She gave me a feeling of serenity and an overall feeling of trust (just her being, did), and I am going to take her advise & use it.

I just wanted you to know that I commend you for using your gift to help others like myself. People like me, who know they are different & don't have their gift developed, yet, just can't go down to the local psycologist & say "what's wrong with me - help me fix it"....or, they give you advise & it "just doesn't "feel" right" and so you don't listen, anyway....OR, I would end up telling the psychologist how SHE was feeling & be deemed a freak....LOL...

Anyway, I am so very appreciative that you do what you do. I have many people I would like to bring to you. I'm going to try to get them to come into a session with me. I think Veronica will be able to help one gentleman, in particular, to bring some peace to his exisistance on this plane....He lost his wife 28 years ago & is still just overwhelmed with grief & guilt....SO VERY SAD!! I think if he knew she was ok & that she released him from their earthly committment to one another - so that he was free to love again without guilt - it would make a profound difference in his quality of life on this earth.

Thank You Both!!...And I hope to be communicating with you again real soon!!
Have a great day!!!

Michelle Stoll
Business Manager
Rocking M Radio
Liberal, KS.

HI Allen & April

This isn't to book a further consultation yet - but I will be very soon.

I received a half hour consultation with you about 3 weeks ago and ever since then my life has really "taken off" with such a new depth of meaning and purpose. That half hour consulation has stayed with me every day - giving me new insight and understanding and with that has come new strength of purpose - Soul Purpose. From the very depth of my Soul I wish to say "thank you" - your work has tremendous meaning and reaches hearts and minds in the most beautiful way possible. THANK YOU.

Much Light, Love & Joy

Liz Mercer - Scotland UK

Hi Allen, April & Veronica

This is just a little "thank you" for providing me with such wonder and fulfillment tonight - speaking with Veronica has opened my eyes - in a way I hadn't expected - but am thrilled and happy with. Once I've "absorbed" it all I'll be implementing what has been said tonight - it has been a really empowering experience.....

THANK YOU - it seems a small word in exchange for what you have given me - but it has much depth and meaning.


Thanks for the opportunity today. It was enlightening and I hope to be able to talk to Veronca again.

Craig Smith
Aztec, NM 87410

Ive had two sessions w Veronica. A couple of times recently, I thought I "heared" Veronica communicating to me. I think she may have briefly helped me process some thoughts and emotions. It was either that or just echoes in my memory from a past session doing what it needed to do at the proper time. She has a benevolence that is powerful and maternal. She has helped broaden and deepen my sense of reality. I will never be the same and I like it! Thank u for your fine service, I look forward to sessioning w Veronica again at the appropriate time.

Hi Allen,

I really enjoyed the conversation with Veronica via April. Please convey my sincere thanks to her. I was rather nervous in the beginning but I am impressed with her responses to my concerns.

Thank you,


Thank you to Veronica and April and also Allen for being there.
I learned so much through this.
You are all such gifts to humanity tht I can't even begin to express my gratitude.




I just wanted to take a minute to express my gratitude to both of you for the session yesterday. I think I only actually spent 25 min speaking with Veronica and had run out of questions, but the 25 min dramatically shifted my perspective and has given me a new leash on life. It was amazing. I have a heightened clarity and focus in my life.

I am forever grateful and look forward to another session in the future.

Love and Blessings


My name is Hillary Ferguson. I have had a reading with Veronica in the past, and she helped me greatly! However, I'm having some thought patterns I cannot seem to get rid of...and they are causing some extreme depression. I'd really like to have a reading with April as soon as possibly. A half and hour would be great. Or possibly an hour.

Hope to hear from you



Hello Allen and April,

That was another great conversation with Veronica today. Veronica gave me some very good ideas about "forgiveness" and how to understand the concept better. I wonder whether that is a subject that Veronica may like to address in her regular Inner Whispers newsletters and/or video sometime in the future? I found her ideas very enlightening and most useful and I am sure there would be a number of your members who would find it interesting as well.

Thanks for making this energy accessible to us all.

Best wishes,



Thank April for me for helping VERONICA contact us. That was an amazing experience I had yesterday filled with insights and reinforcements of previous thoughts.
45 minutes was the perfect length of time as I got through my list comfortably in that time. At one point she read energy levels in my body and pointed out an area with no energy? Is this a place that is diseased? Is necrosis taking place there?

Very truly yours,

Whit Gallman PE, Senior Engineer
Duke Power McGuire Mail Code MG05SE

Hi Allen

Just wanted to say thanks for arranging the talk, and give my thanks to April too.
My talk with Veronica went so well, that I ran out of questions a bit before time.

Kind regards,


Hi Allen -

I just want to thank both you and April for doing what you do.
Talking with Veronica yesterday was a pivotal point in my growth. I
sure hope that my expansion helped her - them - as well.

I love that you shared with us what the process was like that April
had to go through to get to where she is today. It helped me to know

Please know, April, what a huge gift you've given me with your
selflessness. Thank you both from the depths of my being.

Carol Swanson

Dear Allen and April,

I would like very much to set up an appointment for a phone

My sister has recently spoken with Veronica/April and the
conversation has inspired her forward with joy, clarity,and
love...Please let me know what can be arranged


Thank you Allen and April for a wonderful first reading. It really helped me to understand my energy, my family's energy and my kid's energy.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Gina Marie Ivanov

Dear Alan,

Claudia and I had a wonderful reading, as always, with Veronica. Please thank April from the bottom of our hearts (and take some for yourself too) for the work.

Hope you can continue to go from strength to strength,

With love,

Dr. Janelle Trees
