The Inner Whispers Interviews
There are currently 23 podcasts each about 30 minutes. All podcasts are recorded live and feature interviews with the Causal Plane Entity we named VERONICA respondting to questions mostly asked by people like you via email.
There are also 10 minute and 3 minute videos on different YouTube. Just search “April Crawford”
The Podcasts
# 1 Who & What Is VERONICA?, 7 Big Spiritual Questions
# 2 What Happens When Pets "Die"? Do Pets Have A Soul? Do Pets Reincarnate? Spirit Guides
# 3 Soulmates, Pet Reincarnation, Manifesting, What If A Soulmate "Dies"? Seth, & Jane Roberts
# 4 An Actual Past Life, Emotion, Freewill, Prosperity, Pre-Life Blueprints, Jealousy, Joy, Trust
# 5 No Fear, Expansion of Awareness, Guilt?, Finding Blockages, Drawing Lines Of Probability
# 6 Allowance, Abundance, Birth, Don't Look Behind You For What You Want In Front Of You, Seth
# 7 Anger, Healing, Mother's Guilt, Helping/Healing Others, Alzheimer's, Parents w/Adult Children
# 8 Time, Autism, Pre-Birth Choice, Unconditional Love, Suicides, Do We Choose Our Parents?
# 9 The Afterlife, Extraterrestrial Lifeforms, Parallel Lives
# 10 Twins, Adopted Parents, Afterlife, You Are Not Alone, Victimhood, Is Physical
# 11 Religion, Other Realities, Children's "Imaginary" Friends, Do Animals Have Souls?
# 12 Monotheism, Young & Old Souls, Is There A Devil?, Source Entities, Children & Past
# 13 Dream States, Time, Hive Souls, When Does The Soul Enter The Human Form?, Catholic School
# 14 Breath, Levels of Karma, Other Dimensional Spaces, Q & A, Detailed On Reincarnation Process
# 15 Angelics, Root Entities, Ethereal Entities, Wild Animals/Feral Animals/Pets, A "Past Life Run"
# 16 Always Continuance, Life After Death, Life Is A Gift, Is There An End Goal Of Reincarnation?
# 17 This Is What Happens After You "Die", Expansion Of The Soul, Self Healing
# 18 The Ripple Effect, Do All Parallel Lives End At The Same Time?, Dealing With An "Energy Suck"
# 19 The Path To Joy, Intellect & Emotion, Afterlife Reunions, Action vs. Reaction, Osco & Ish
# 20 Parallel Lives (Detailed), Edgar Cayce, Animal Consciousness, Do Extraterrestrials Exist?, More
# 21 Adult Level Q&A w/ A Causal Entity and Guide via Full Body Open Deep Trance Channel April Crawford
In episode 21: 1) Intro. 2) April Crawford talks to aspiring channels and about starting your own new channeling groups. 3) VERONICA talks about"The Silver Cord". Astral Projection. 4) Does Evil Exist? 5) Are Exorcisms Real? A certain religious group. 6) The Ouija Board is NOT a toy. 7) Lower Astrals. 8) PTSD 9) How many Source Entities are there? More than one? 10) Monotheism? 11) VERONICA"s Message # 21 to The World for this new year.(Note: You can see live video of the Causal Entity we named VERONICA speaking. Just search April Crawford or Inner Whispers TV on YouTube.)
# 22 Adult Level Q&A w/ A Causal Entity and Guide via Full Body Open Deep Trance Channel April Crawford
In this episode # 22: 1) Intro 2) April on important to share her experience when out (in deep trance). 3) The two nites before 9/11 4) Allen tells it from his experience that nite. 5) Elaborate on Source Entities. What is the difference between souls and Source Entities? 6) What was there before “God”? And who created “God”? 7) Many more than one “God”. 8) Do decisions we make in this life influence the next life in a good or a bad way? And is there a way you can prepare for another life? 9) Do our guides influence our everyday lives? 10) Did we pick our parents? Is it possible their guides nudged them to meet each other? 11) How do we know the difference between what our guides are trying to tell us and our own thoughts? 12) Reincarnation does not have to be sequential.. Since you can reincarnate in your “past”, can you meet yourself? 13) Did VERONICA like to incarnate in a particular timeframe? If so, why? 14) Pets “walk-in” all the time. 15) VERONICA’s Message To The World # 22
# 23: A Causal Plane Entity Q&A: Full Body Deep Trance Channel
In this episode # 23 1) Allen Intro, why people call to talk with VERONICA (Mostly personal relationships) 2) April Crawford on Gratefulness and Appreciation and Manifesting. 3) Is there a difference between Source Entities and All That Is? 4) Can VERONICA explain what are Past Lives and Simultaneous Lives bearing in mind that we have been told that there is no time. 5) Why is sleep, not rest ,unconsciousness required to live here? 6) Will college like classes be offered? 7) Do we decide our DNA before entering the physical body? (Including inherited diseases) Abdicating Agreements. 8) Do we still retain our individuality after a physical life? Or do we get absorbed by Source? 9) Is it possible to create a computer that is conscious and self aware? 10) Is there any kind of karmic debt from breaking an agreement such as with a soulmate or a parent? 11) What are the functions of Source Entities Do they get involved here? 12) Do souls who incarnate in other planes of existence go through a similar process of soul growth as the one described in the Michael teachings ? 13) Are there any methods other than meditation that would help me communicate with my guides? 14) Why does VERONICA speak about “WE”as she addresses reincarnation? 15) I am curious to lean if VERONICA stopped incarnating after that experience of love she talked about in Bristol? Did she feel that it just couldn't get any better than that? 16) VERONICA’s Message To The World # 24: “ Each Day Is Truly A Gift”