4 minVideos of VERONICA Speaking

Episode 1:  "How You Think" w/VERONICA

"Inner Whispers" TV  (3 min clips)

Episode 2:  "Be In The Now " w/VERONICA

Episode 3:  "You Are Never Alone " w/VERONICA

Episode 4:  "Trust How You Feel About It" w/VERONICA

Episode 5:  "Is There An Afterlife?  Do We All Survive Physical Death?" w/VERONICA

Episode 6:  "About Soulmates - A Perspective From Spirit" w/VERONICA

Episode 7:  "Attracting The Right Relationship" w/VERONICA

Note:  There are many other Videos of VERONICA speaking on YouTube, some much longer, even some posted (repeated or put into sets) by third parties. Below are two direct sample episodes and then links to two other of our YouTube Channels with many videos featuring VERONICA. There are also many people who have created their own April Crawford and VERONICA playlists, some with different interviewers.

Links to two sample episodes

1) What the Afterlife is Really Like - Message from a Spirit Guide - Via Trance Channel April Crawford

2) Channeling - Study Group #1 Part IV - Via Deep Trance Channel April Crawford


This link will take you to the YouTube Channel with many 10 minute videos of VERONICA commenting on a variety of subjects plus questions.

More will be added to this page in time, but the above seven videos will give you an idea about what it is like to see VERONICA speak about various subjects.

Other, longer videos include people asking VERONICA questions.  Just search either "Inner Whispers TV" or "April Crawford" on YouTube if you would like to see them.

Best Wishes,

~Allen,   Facilitator for April Crawford